詞/演唱:陳嘉珍老師   曲:Tony老師

感謝天,感謝地 (Thank haven, thank earth)

感謝一切萬有的愛 (Thank the love from All That Is)

感謝每一棵樹木花草 (Thank every tree and flower)

感 謝每一隻蝶蟲飛鳥 (Thank every butterfly and bird)

感謝山林裡每一個生靈 (Thank every living creature in the mountains)

如此眷顧深愛流連的探訪者 (For caring the visitor that loves to linger around)

感謝默默陪伴賽斯的你 (Thank you for being the unsung companion of Seth)

感謝為這土地奉獻自已的朋友 (Thank the friend that offers himself/herself to this land)

從今天起 (Starting today)

將 延續一切萬有的精神 (By extending the spirit of All That Is)

為每個尋求心靈安歇的旅人 (For all the travelers that seek spiritual rest)

無私的分享愛與光 (Selfless sharing the love and light)

祈願宇宙中的每一位神靈 (Pray to every god in the universe)

護佑我們指引每一個人 (Bless and guide everyone of us)

回歸內在神性的殿堂 (Return to the temple of the inner divinity)

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    SETH MusicLab

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